Final paper

Jingyan Du Art110 Instructor: Glenn Zucman May. 6. 2018   Final Paper – Art & Life Through the whole semester’s art activities and conversation with artists, the most important thing students learned this semester is the variety of art’s form. Before doing these activities and watching these exhibitions, my knowledge only contain several art forms such…

WkB10– Art Experience – Design Thinking applied to Life

3 Possible Future Me’s The thing you currently think you’ll be doing with your life. The thing you would do if the current thing disappeared tomorrow The thing you would do if you were financially secure, and no one would ever laugh, go ahead, what would it be? 1. As I am in the computer science…

WkB9– Art Experience – ePortfolio

My old website can be described in one word:”default”. Yes, basically everything on my old website is only used for homework. The default theme, default menu, and default designing, everything is using the default setting. And the content only includes the post. So, due to change the website, I first changed the home page, I added…

WkB8– Art Experience – New flag for the City of Los Angeles

Well, when I first see this project’s introduction, I have already got some ideas about the new flag. As a flag should show the most famous or maybe iconic object of Los Angels, I put an airplane for LAX and a basketball for the Lakers The reason why I choose LAX as a symbol is that…

WkB7– Art Experience – Auto Drawing

Alright, I decided to do this project with my GF Wei, who has two really small hands. Before this project, I already did many projects that you cannot really control what you are drawing, and this one is even harder to control. Actually, you can not know what you are drawing as two people are forcing…